Hearing Health Blog

Hearing Aids: What Users Actually Think, and Why You Should Care

Most people are happy with their hearing aids: As reported by one recent survey, when talking one-on-one, 91% of people who use hearing aids are pleased with their experience. When talking about specific activities, 85% were satisfied in a group setting and watching TV, 78% while in the store, and 75% in a restaurant or […]

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These 5 Fun Tips Can Help You Improve Mental Function

These 5 Fun Tips Can Help You Improve Mental Function

It’s easy to notice how your body ages over time. Your skin starts to get some wrinkles. Your hair turns gray (or falls out). Your knees start to hurt a little bit more. Some sagging of the skin starts to happen in certain places. Maybe your eyesight and your hearing both begin to fade a […]

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Hearing Test Audiograms and How to Interpret Them

Hearing Test Audiograms and How to Interpret Them

Determining hearing loss is more complex than it might at first seem. You can probably hear certain things clearly at lower volumes but not others. You might confuse certain letters like “S” or “B”, but hear other letters just fine at whatever volume. It will become more evident why you notice inconsistencies with your hearing […]

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Can’t Hear Well While You’re Working? You May be Missing More Than You Think

Imagine for a minute you’re a salesperson. Now imagine that you have a call scheduled today with a very valuable client. Your company is being looked at for a job and several individuals from your company have come together on a conference call. As the call goes on, voices go up and down…and are sometimes […]

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Three Basic Steps to Lessen Hearing Loss

Three Basic Steps to Lessen Hearing Loss

Pizza is an interesting thing. You can switch the toppings, sauces, even the cheeses involved, but as long as it meets a few general factors, it’s still a pizza. Hearing loss is a lot like that. But as long as you have a hard time hearing sound, it’s still hearing loss regardless of whether it’s […]

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Routine Hearing Tests Could Decrease Your Danger of Getting Dementia

Cognitive decline and hearing loss, what’s the connection? Medical science has found a connection between brain health and hearing loss. Your risk of getting cognitive decline is increased with even minor hearing loss, as it turns out. These two seemingly unrelated health conditions might have a pathological connection. So how can a hearing exam help […]

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At Night, the Buzzing in my Ears Seems Worse

At Night, the Buzzing in my Ears Seems Worse

Tinnitus tends to get worse at night for the majority of the millions of individuals in the US that suffer with it. But why should this be? The buzzing or ringing in one or both ears is not a real noise but a complication of a medical problem like hearing loss, either permanent or temporary. […]

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Vacationing With Hearing Loss: Your Guide to a Safe, Enjoyable Trip!

There are two kinds of vacations, right? There’s the type where you cram every single activity you can into every single second. This type will leave you more tired than when you left but all of the fun will be remembered for years to come. The other kind is all about unwinding. You might not […]

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Hearing Loss Can Result in Complications During Hospitalization

Tom is getting a brand new knee and he’s super pumped! Hey, the things you get excited about change as you age. His knee replacement means he will experience less pain and be able to get around a lot better. So Tom is admitted, the operation is successful, and Tom heads home! That’s when things […]

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Can I Use my Glasses And Hearing Aids Together?

Can I Use my Glasses And Hearing Aids Together?

You’ve probably noticed that when movies or television shows get really intense, they start using close-ups (possibly even extreme close-ups). That’s because the human face communicates a lot of information (more information than you’re probably consciously aware of). To say that human beings are really facially centered is, well, not a stretch. So having all […]

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    Enhanced Hearing Center

    Springfield, MO

    3829 South Campbell AvenueSpringfield, MO 65807

    Call or Text: 417-323-6180

    Monday through Friday
    9am – 4pm

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